Thursday, 29 July 2010

Recent Buys...

Evening Sweet cheeks!
So yesterday I went on a little walk about to the shops to find some new reads... I have wanted the James Wong "Grow your own drugs" book for some time now and when I saw it on special offer from £17.99 to £6.99 I thought bargain. This book is amazing it talks about natural remedies to cure things such a Eczema, anxiety, PMS pain, hangovers, insect bites and so on, sometimes natural remedies are better than taking certain tablets or creams that you have no idea what ingredients are in there.

I'll be doing some post soon on some of these recipes.

I then went into Accessorize, which is normally a bad idea...But to be honest there weren't many things i liked in there. How cute are these earrings? I love little stud earrings, especially with birds on :)

You can tell I love birds...

These remind me of Alice In Wonderland.

What have you recently purchased?


  1. I have a weakness for Accessorize too - those little stud earings are so cute!
    & I've got those alice in wonderland inspired earings, they're one of my favourite pairs :)

  2. @R May A - Every time I go into Acessorize I have to buy something. I'm wearing them now, I've had so many compliments on them already!!
